Herbal Conception can help you achieve your fertility goals. We treat both men and women using a combination of herbal medicine, lifestyle and dietary recommendations. Depending on your condition, treatment may consist of the 4-phase system with different herbal formulas customized for each phase of your menstrual cycle; or one formula may be prescribed for the entire time. Herbal medicine helps to correct your body's deficiencies (of Qi, blood, yin, yang, Jing/essence), remove stagnation, normalize hormonal imbalances and promote blood flow to the womb.
Customized herbal formulas are compounded specifically for you. Formulas typically contain between 10 to 15 herbs. Chinese herbal medicine has been successfully used to assist fertility for centuries. Patients were generally given a large bag of herbs which they cooked for about an hour. For convenience, our formulas are prepared using a granule/powdered form of the herb; the herbs have already been cooked for you, saving you time and effort. All you need to do is mix a few scoops 2-3 times daily with hot water and drink. Optimal results will be obtained when the herbal formulas are taken on a consistent basis, and when lifestyle and dietary recommendations are followed.
You save time and effort by being able to conveniently fit fertility treatments into your busy schedule. Consultations are done by phone and e-mail and your customized herbal formulas mailed to you. You never need to leave your home or office. This is ideal for busy professionals who do not have the time for weekly or twice/week acupuncture sessions. After you fill out the forms below, only one phone appointment is necessary for us to gain further insight into your condition and patterns. Further updates may be done by email if time is an issue for you or through scheduled phone appointments if you prefer. Please understand that there is no one formula for each person to deal with infertility and these phone/internet appointments are a necessary part of your treatment.
In order to customize your herbal formulas for you, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis is first established. To do this we need a few things from you:
Step 1 - Download BBT & Cervical Mucus Chart. If you do not have one prepared already, take at least one month (ideally two or even three) to prepare a basal body temperature (BBT) chart. This step can be skipped by men. You may use the chart we have provided on this site or another one. Instructions are included on page 2 of our chart. This is one of the factors used to customize your herbs and determine the length of time you will take each formula for will depend partly on this information. To get accurate results, take your temperature each morning upon awakening, before you get out of bed or even speak, at the same time each day (within 1/2 hour).
Step 2 - Download Fertility Intake Form. Fill out the fertility intake form. You can download it using Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Either fill out the form on your computer and e-mail it back to us or fill it in by hand and scan/mail it afterward. Please include your name or initials on the file name of your saved forms.
Step 3 - Download Food Diary. Do a daily food diary for at least one week, ideally two or three. This simply includes keeping track of what you eat each day. Include how the food was prepared (i.e. raw, steamed, deep fried, restaurant, etc.). Make sure to include all drinks (i.e. soda, water, tea) as well. A healthy diet with limited processed foods and chemicals is important to fertility and overall general health.
Step 4 - You may provide us with lab work or study results if you like from your doctor. This can either be scanned in or you can include relevant findings on your intake form.
Step 5 - E-mail us the above information and schedule an appointment with us (phone consultation or Skype). Questions will be asked regarding your general health and fertility history determine which herbs are best suited for you. Appointments are also available in Spanish. We will send you a partial invoice in the amount of $150 to be paid prior to your appointment.
Step 6 - Once the consultation is complete, and the remainder of your package paid for, we will formulate and prepare your customized formulas, and mail them to you along with a personalized lifestyle and nutrition plan. Depending on your pathologies and constitution, we may mail 3 months of herbs to you at once, or we may mail only a portion of the customized herbal formulas and wait to mail the remaining portion once we make sure your body is responding well to the herbs, and make changes in your formula if necessary. Note: You do not pay anything until we are finished with the phone consultation.
Step 7 - Once you start taking the herbs, we want to make sure the herbs are working well with your body. Follow-up appointments can be done either by phone or email, whichever is easiest for you. If any changes need to be made with the formulas, we will mail the new herbs to you. You may contact us by email and/or make phone appointments as often as needed. Weekly updates will be helpful during your treatment, even just a few quick sentences by email will do. However, feel free to contact us as often as you like if you have any concerns. We understand many of our clients have a busy life. But on a minimum, please do your best to provide us with updates at least once a month, especially after your menstrual cycles. This information is invaluable to your treatment.
- Step 8 - Hopefully you have become pregnant! But there is no reason to be concerned if you have not. Often it is best for the first couple of months to not even try to become pregnant and let your body's systems get stronger to be better able to conceive and hold the pregnancy once it occurs. Many women find they get pregnant within 6 months* with the use of Chinese herbal medicine. If you have not conceived, it is very important that you do not take a break in your herbs. Please contact us before the end of your third menstrual cycle or month to give us enough time to prepare and mail you another 3 months worth of herbs. Please understand that if the fertility issues are mainly due to the man, and only he is being treated, then a longer treatment course should be allowed for.
Our appointments are done over the phone and by email. No on-site appointments are required.
If you live near Napa, California, please visit us in-person at our office,
Vital Health Acupuncture Massage & Herbal Medicine.
Herbal Conception does not accept insurance.
(707) 265-8350
(707) 265-8350